On Monday, members of the Warren-Henderson Farm Bureau and guests met at the Farm Bureau building in Monmouth for the 36th Annual Meeting. Young Leader Committee Chair Justin Allaman explains the Annual Meeting is an opportunity to update local farm bureau members on what is happening on a state, federal, and local level.
“At the state level, there’s been a lot of changes with Illinois Farm Bureau. There’ve been some retirements, but then also some restructuring,” says Allaman. “There’s also been discussions of, how we stay relevant in the changing agricultural landscape. And so we have an OMS or organizational membership strategy, and what do we as Illinois Farm Bureau need to look like moving forward to adapt and stay relevant.”
And on the federal side, Allaman points to the Farm Bill as a major point of discussion.
“That’s a big element of discussion, something that we are pushing to get passed sooner rather than later. There’s always the concern of it becoming a political chess piece, as you will. You know, we’re in an election year.”
On the local level, Allaman says the Warren- Henderson Farm Bureau is bringing back the peach fundraiser after it was canceled in 2023.