Local Emergency Services Preparing for Annual Prime Beef Festival


With the 75th annual Warren County Prime Beef Festival right around the corner, the planning process to provide emergency services is already taking place behind the scenes, shares Monmouth Fire Chief Casey Rexroat:

“Between the Police Department and the Fire Department, we do have plans in place to deal with particular situations, whether it be a fire, or car accident, or some kind of medical emergency, we get together and talk about what we need to do. Maybe things that happened in previous years and things we need to change and we come up with a general plan. It is not so specific because you cannot limit yourself with your plan, you don’t know exactly what is going to happen, but we draw up these incident action plans and have them ready to go and provide briefings for all those people that are involved in the festival.”

The Warren County Prime Beef Festival will be held August 31st and September 2nd through the 7th.

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