In January of 2024, the three-quarter percent sales tax referendum in Warren County to collect funds for the construction of the new Law Enforcement Center went into effect. At the recent Warren County Board meeting, Spear Financial reported that at the end of this year, based on the first six month, over
$1 million will be collected, which then leads to the next step in the process, explains Buildings and Grounds Chairman Sean Cavanaugh:
“Spear Financial has been brought on as a consultant to advise us on such matters. Based on the first six months of this year, it looks like we will have over $1 million. We have also set aside $2 million of COVID funds to go towards the jail project. One of the reasons we wanted this gentleman here, is to see if we want to wait two years, is there a risk to waiting. Basically, it comes down to a process of several different steps. First, would be publishing and authorizing an ordinance. That is just an initial ‘hey everybody we are moving forward on this.’ Then once those two steps have been taken, there is a three-year window of which we can close the whole process and begin construction. For the sake of moving the project along, we will most likely, next month, going to be moving ahead with an authorization ordinance in October.”
While the land that will house the new Warren County Law Enforcement Center, the size and number of beds the facility will have has not yet been decided.