WIRC-Community Action Agency is now seeking people with low income who live in their service area to be part of their brand-new Advocates for Low Income Consumers Committee (ALICC).
Why: This committee empowers the people we serve to share their concerns with us at WIRC about what they are struggling with in the community, and ideas for ways to help. Also, this group will elect a single representative of their committee who will speak directly to the WIRC & WIRC-CAA Boards of Directors and attend quarterly Board meetings.
How: In-person at the WIRC main office in Macomb, and/or virtually.
When: The committee will meet at least two times per year. The first meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 2, 2024, starting at 5:00 PM at the WIRC main office, 133 West Jackson Street, Macomb, Illinois 61455. Pre-registration is required. A virtual meeting link is available to eligible committee members upon request.
Who: If you are a motivated person who is a past or current consumer of our social service programs at WIRC (such as the food pantry, LIHEAP, or other programs), and if you live in our service area of Hancock, Henderson, Knox, McDonough, or Warren counties in Illinois, we are very interested in hearing your voice and opinions. Your input is valuable.
To participate in this special and important committee for your community, contact WIRC by one of the following ways:
Option 1: Complete the contact form at https://forms.office.com/r/8rDU1NWN0i/.
Option 2: Email info@wirpc.org
Option 3: Message us on Facebook
Option 4: Call Jamie at 309-837-2997
WIRC is an equal opportunity provider and employer who values and encourages diversity and inclusion. Their programs are funded in part by a grant from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) through the Community Services Block Grant.
***Courtesy of the WIRC-Community Action Agency***