Forecasts Predicts “Calmer, Gentler” Winter in 2024-25

Photo Courtesy of Prairie Communications


Winter is just around the corner, meaning the puffy coats and snow boots are getting ready to make their yearly appearance. But, how much will we need them this year? Tim Goodman, Associate Editor of the Old Farmers Almanac says this winter, we could expect to see warmer than normal temperatures with below-average precipitation.

“That’s not to say that there won’t be cold times and there won’t be snowy conditions. We’ll see kind of that first bit of possible rain and snow and that first kind of colder snap right before Thanksgiving, you know that that third week in November,” says Goodwin. “December doesn’t look too bad when it comes to snow. It’s going to be more of a warmer month when it comes to December. But, towards the end of December, we’ll start to see some flurries, some rain, and snow going right into 2025, but it’s that, that end of January and early and late February, where you’re going to see probably most of your snow.”

Predictions made by the Old Farmer’s Almanac are based on solar science, climatology, and meteorology as well as historical weather trends.

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