‘New year, new me’ is a popular saying that circulates as the year winds down and a new one begins. For some, this means taking up a new hobby; others take this time to hone in on health and fitness. Staci Bass, Healthy Living Director at the Warren County YMCA, shares the January fitness challenge to help keep moving into the new year.
“Every couple of years I bring back a different fitness challenge called the Lazy Man Triathlon. So, this is the year for it again. It’s pretty popular,” says Bass. “You sign up for this challenge, you’re going to have some different goals. The main goal is to finish a triathlon in six weeks. You can walk it for the walking portion, you can run it; or whatever you want to do to get your 26.2 miles of running or movement in. You need to bike 112 miles, and you need to swim 2.4 miles. Some people are not swimmers, so I allow them to use the rowing machine for that.”
Registration for the Lazy Man Challenge opens December 23 both in person and online at warrencountyymca.org.