Mayor Rod Davies and Challenger Sean Cavanaugh continue to campaign for the position of Mayor in the election coming up on April 1st. Both Cavanaugh and Davies have been sharing their vision for solving the housing shortage in Monmouth. Cavanaugh says a task force is necessary:
“As Mayor, I am going to appoint a task force that will focus solely on that issue alone. Councils or groups, they have many different issues they are working on, but if we get a task force made up of individuals that know the industry, know the solutions, know ways out, things of that nature, then I believe we can reverse this housing crisis.”
Mayor Davies says the City is working on options:
“It is a very difficult issue, and it is not an issue that just Monmouth faces, it is around the country. We have been working with another not-for-profit organization to see if we can find some subsidies to help people reach that affordable level. So, between the land bank and the other options, we are working on that. We have also reached out to other developers to see if there is an affordable interest in another affordable housing development.”
Warren County Clerk and Recorder, Randi Reynolds will be on the Community Hour on WRAM on Wednesday, March 5th at 8:10 a.m. to preview the ballot and discuss early voting.