Phase One of Monmouth’s Lead Service Line Replacement to Begin in Late March

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Phase one of the lead service line replacement project in the City of Monmouth is expected to begin at the end of March, which Mayor Rod Davies informs is very important with the uncertainties of funding:

“With the uncertainty in funding in Washington and growing deficits in Springfield, this just under $4 million that we have secured in grant funds, we will begin this in the 3rd and 4th Wards to get some of our oldest service lines. Since we have grant funding, the City is required to pay for the complete replacement from the water main, right inside the house, so all that work will be done at no cost to our residents in that area. We believe that funding will get us all the way through that first phase successfully. We are also working with our Woodard and Curran funding partner on phase two funding, which is the forgivable, state revolving loan funds. We are also working with the U.S. EPA on their ‘Get the Lead Out Initiative.’

Advanced Plumbing and Mechanical will be conducting the lead service line replacement project.

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