IPPA Shares Increased Volatility In The 2023 Hog Market Heading Closer to Prop 12


Between high input costs and legislation hurdles, 2023 has not been the best year for pig farmers. Illinois Pork Producers Association District 1 Director Jill Brokaw gives a look into the 2023 hog market.

“It’s been a volatile year. While we have made some gains here as of late, it has not really compensated for the first half of the year where the markets were extremely low, and that doesn’t take into account the input costs,” said Brokaw. “A lot of the increased volatility in the hog market is due to some of this legislation with Prop 12 and we won’t know what those ramifications are on our market until about January/ February.”

To help producers, IPPA says they have been trying to reach people by marketing different cuts of pork such as ground pork.

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