As sticky fingers remain in the local area, Warren County Sheriff Martin Edwards reminds all individuals of locking up garages, homes, sheds, take personal items inside, and make sure you are putting away mowers, trailers, or other equipment to deter thieves:
“It seems like over the last year or so we have had some bigger items like trailers disappear and like to be stolen or sometimes the bigger mowers. Please make that effort to secure those items. They are being taken in the middle of the night and of course not discovered until either late that day or the next or sometimes days go by. Along those lines, we seem to always have car burglaries. We have seen big dollars stolen, firearms have been taken, but if you have valuables, take them in the house and lock your car up so those things won’t disappear on you. Sometimes people just go around looking for unlocked cars and they find them, so deny them that opportunity.”
Sheriff Edwards also encourages homeowners to install and use cameras to help deter thefts, while also being vigilant and making sure items and buildings are locked and secure.