The Citizens Advisory Committee for the Warren County Jail met Monday night and voted to make their recommendation to the Warren County board of building a new jail. Chairman of the committee, Chip Algren, states the vote was unanimous:
“Part of our recommendation will also include that the County and City cooperate with their best efforts to get this project through. We will be recommending that if a new facility is built, that it be built next to and connected to the existing Police Department. We are also recommending that the County take a very hard look and work diligently toward trying to obtain some private funding, whether through grants, from government, or private foundation individuals and companies. We believe there is a chance for some funding out there. Now, where we are at at this point, while this is our recommendation, we are not asking that the County Board make an absolute final decision at this point, but to basically give the committee and community a commitment one way or the other. Either we want to go forward and try to build a while new facility or we choose not to do that and we are going to outsource the inmates,” Algren reports.
The Warren County Board will meet in December and vote on how to move forward with the project.