City Council Meeting Summary 12.16.2019


Next City Council Meeting – January 6th, 2020 at 6:00 PM

Official Minutes available at

Public Hearings

CSO (Operations and Maintenance) Plan

The City is currently renewing its wastewater treatment permit with the IEPA. Tonight’s public hearing is a required part of the process.

A presentation of the operations and maintenance plan for the combined sewer system was discussed. A summary of the actions to be taken is as follows

  • Streets will regularly be cleaned utilizing the City’s street sweeper apparatus
  • Catch basins will periodically be cleaned by the street department
  • Trunk sewers will periodically be inspected and cleaned
  • Lift stations will regularly be inspected and cleaned
  • The City will periodically attempt to detect and eliminate and illegal connections to the sewer system

No members of the public spoke during the hearing.

Pollution Prevention Plan

The City is currently renewing its wastewater treatment permit with the IEPA. Tonight’s public hearing is a required part of the process.

A presentation of the pollution prevention plan was discussed. A summary of the actions to be taken is as follows

  • The City will continue to maintain a service contract with a solid waste vendor for curbside garbage collection
  • The City will continue to maintain a service contract with a recycling vendor for curbside recyclable collection
  • Certain types of hazardous waste may be collected at the transfer station for legal disposal
  • The City will continue to maintain a leaf collection program
  • The City will continue to support a yard waste collection program

No members of the public spoke during the hearing.

1– Presentations Or Citizen Inquiries

Jeff Stanton from Stanton Insurance spoke to City Council with concerns about a lack of parking in the downtown square and potential solutions to the issue. City Council and Mayor thanked him for speaking and will follow-up on the issue when a plan has been implemented.

City staff have heard multiple complaints lately regarding the lack of parking, particularly in the North West portion of the town square. Staff are currently working on possible solutions and will present to City Council in the near future.

2- Fire Department Monthly Report- Chief Rexroat

  • The department met with Water Superintendent Blackman to discuss collaboration opportunities that may arise during large scale fire incidents. During the meeting, Blackman discussed resources available to the fire department, maps, main sizes, and a possible way to share information between the departments.
  • On November 23rd, the Board of Police and Fire Commissioners met to administer the written exam to start the process of establishing a new firefighter eligibility list. The applicants to the fire department took the written exam and, in the following week, were interviewed by the Police and Fire Commission. The applicants have an opportunity to add extra points to their overall score by using specific certifications, military credits, and college degrees before the final list is posted.
  • Alexis Fire Equipment conducted a test of all the apparatus water pumps. All pumps passed the testing.
  • All of the Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (Air Packs or SCBA) were flow tested as part of the annual maintenance schedule for the units. During the flow testing, several small repairs were made to the air packs to ensure that they will all work correctly.
  • The department participated in the WRAM 1330/Sunny 97.7 annual Freezing For Food fundraiser.

3- Police Department Monthly Report – Chief Switzer

  • Active intruder drills were conducted at United Jr. High School and United West Elementary schools.
  • Active intruder training was held at City Hall for administrative staff and elected officials.
  • Chief Switzer participated in the WRAM 1330/Sunny 97.7 annual Freezing For Food fundraiser.
  • The annual Christmas On The Square was held. No incidents were reported other than complaints about vehicular traffic on the square during the event. Traffic control will be evaluated and corrected for next year’s event.
  • An active intruder drill was held at Warren Achievement.
  • TASER recertification has begun for all officers at MPD. We will also recertify the Warren CO./Monmouth Auxiliary officers

4- Resolutions and Ordinances

  1. 19-011 – D4 Traffic Signals (MFT)

This item is a housekeeping resolution authorizing the use of Motor Fuel Tax funds to be appropriated for the installation traffic signal controller cabinets, master controller, and battery backup systems at various locations in D-4 per Agreement between IL DOT and City of Monmouth.

A full copy of the resolution may be found on the website.

A motion was made for approval and was approved.

  • 19-012 – General Maintenance (MFT)

This item is a housekeeping resolution that authorizes the use of Motor Fuel Tax funds for road maintenance and repair.

A full copy of the resolution may be found on the website.

A motion was made for approval and was approved.

  • 19-038 – Video Gaming (First Reading)

This item is part of an on-going discussion regarding new legislation that the State Of Illinois has introduced. The new legislation grants home-rule communities the ability to limit the amount of video gaming machines per establishment and to impose a fee per machine. This is the 4th time the subject has been discussed with City Council.

At the last City Council meeting, Administrator Steinbrecher spoke to City Council regarding the ordinances that various communities and the state are using to regulate video gaming terminals. After providing input on the matter, City Council voted to authorize the drafting of an ordinance for presentation at tonight’s meeting.

A summary of the ordinance is as follows:

  • A $50.00 per machine annual fee which is payable by the local establishment
  • A $250.00 per machine annual fee which is payable by the terminal vendor
  • Maintaining a limit of 5 machines per establishment (The ordinance was amended to allow for 6 machines)

A full copy of the ordinance may be found on the www.cityofmonmouth website.

As this is a first reading and a supermajority vote was not received, this resolution will return for a 2nd reading at the next City Council meeting.

A motion was made to amend the ordinance to mirror the States restriction on the number of machines per establishment. This amendment would change the limit to 6 machines per establishment. The motion was approved.

A second motion was made to approve the amended ordinance. The motion was approved.

5- Executive Session

No Executive Session was held.

6- Other business

No other business was discussed.

***Report compiled by Ken Helms, City Of Monmouth***

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