The Knox County Communication Team would like to report that, at the time of this press release, there are NO confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Knox County. Thus far, twenty-one tests have been completed in Knox County, with thirteen negative test results and eight test results pending. It remains true that the press and public will be notified as soon as possible at the time of a confirmed case of COVID-19 in a Knox County resident.
In response to the novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) Knox County has opened its Emergency Operations Center and staff from multiple disciplines continue working together to constantly monitor for possible cases in our county and are following protocols developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The group would like to note that not everyone should be tested for COVID-19. We remind residents that individuals will not be tested unless they meet current COVID-19 testing protocols that will be determined by their healthcare provider.
If you experience symptoms such as fever, cough, and shortness of breath, do not present at a hospital emergency room or doctor’s office immediately unless it’s a true emergency. Please first call your doctor’s office and check with them if you have any questions. Patients and visitors to healthcare facilities should be prepared to be screened before entering.
It is imperative that county residents, whether feeling ill or well, continue to implement social distancing and staying-at-home best practices to limit the spread and contraction of COVID-19. The stay-at-home order requires people to remain in their homes unless they have an essential job or are doing an essential task such as going to the doctor, work or grocery store.
Again, the Knox County Communication Team reminds county residents to use trusted sources for the latest information on COVID-19 such as; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Illinois Department of Public Health For general questions about COVID-19, call the hotline at 1-800-889-3931, email or call your Knox County Health Department at 309-344-2224.
***Report Courtesy of the Knox County Emergency Management Agency***