To Our Loyal and Dedicated Families
Please know that our entire staff is taking the current COVID-19 situation seriously. Precaution and preparedness are key to keeping our communities, as well as our funeral home staff members safe and healthy. We have been vigilant and attentive to this constant changing situation and would like to express how we will be moving forward.
The Following is a statement released on March 17, 2020 The Illinois Funeral Directors Association (IFDA) Board of Directors recommends following the CDC guidelines on gatherings, and this includes those directly related to any funerals, visitations, or graveside services.
All Gatherings of ten (10) of more should be canceled , and /or only conducted with a limit of ten (10) or less people. Viewings should be conducted on bodies that have been embalmed and should be permissive with ten (10) or less people. Graveside services should be private and conducted with ten (10) or less people. This information is subject to change per recommendations by the Federal Government and CDC.
What we are currently experiencing is unprecedented. Please know that we remain available and are 100% committed to our communities. Our staff is working tirelessly to make certain families have both burial and cremation options available during this time. We welcome you to contact us directly should you have any questions or need further clarification as the situation progresses. We just want to assure you, our dedicated and loyal families and friends, that we are here for you, as well as diligently making efforts to stay ahead of the situation.
***Report Courtesy of McGuire & Davies Funeral and Crematory***