Based on the declining number of COVID-19 cases and trends related to the pandemic, Western Illinois University will return to the Stage III:Unify campus plan, effective Feb. 15, which aligns with the Restore Illinois Phase IV plans.
Returning to Stage III: Unify will allow the return of tables and chairs (six-feet apart) in campus dining centers and the Union Food Court for dine-in eating, and participant numbers moving from 10 to 50 for on-campus gatherings. Employees should continue to coordinate with their supervisor(s) to determine appropriate working arrangements.
“While we are happy to be moving to a more progressive stage, our COVID-19 protocols remain in place on campus, including face coverings must be worn inside and outside on campus and social distancing measures,” explained Joe Roselieb, executive director of auxiliary services and risk management. “While the number of cases affecting our regions are going down, we want to continue to do everything we can to ensure we don’t see a spike in cases.”
Students, faculty, staff and guests must still complete the daily check-in, surveillance testing will continue, and individuals are encouraged to continue to avoid large gatherings, maintain social distances and wash hands often. Information is updated frequently on the campus coronavirus webpage related to WIU’s campus COVID-19 response efforts, including testing and vaccination information.
“We appreciate your continued patience and flexibility,” Roselieb added. “I’d like to thank the members of our University community for working with us, and helping keep our campuses and communities safe.”
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Office of University Relations