ROE #33 Strengthens Families and Strives to Maximize a Child’s Overall Development During Screening Season


It is child developmental screening season with the Regional Office of Education #33 for families to learn more on their child’s overall development. Preschool screenings are also being conducted in the nine school districts the ROE #33 covers. Amy Fullerton, Director of Early Childhood Preschool, shares what families can expect:

“We want to make sure families are taking advantage of this time frame. What they can expect is coming into a school situation and their child participating in a few learning games. Games that are about visual motor skills, such as block building, drawing, memory games, cognitive and language skills, math skills such as counting, sequential memory, also speaking and verbal reasoning, then gross motor skills, which are large muscle skills, jumping, hoping, and those kinds of things. Parents then get to do an exit interview to find out those results and find out where their child’s development is and what they can do to support their child to move forward in their development. Then of course, the parents can use those results to enroll in preschool and see if they are eligible.”

Currently in the birth to three program, ROE #33 is serving 205 children across Henderson, Knox, Mercer, and Warren Counties.

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