W-H Farm Bureau President Jake Armstrong Says Challenges Outside of Weather are Ahead for This Spring


High input prices are looking to stay with chemical scarcity to cause some challenges this upcoming spring as we hear from Warren-Henderson Farm Bureau President Jake Armstrong:

“Come this spring, I think we have a lot of challenges outside of the weather and agronomy ahead of us, whether that be getting product in your fields, getting fertilizer spread, or just having enough chemical for burn down and first post application. You have to be navigating those things as quickly as you can. I guess my advice is getting your products in your shed sooner rather than later. I would not wait on them to be available when you need them. We have a challenging spring on lots of fronts besides just weather I think.”

Armstrong says the typical COVID supply chain issues, tariffs, and not being able to import products is driving most of the scarcity.

**Written by WMOI/WRAM Director of Communications Kelsey Crain**

Warren-Henderson Farm Bureau Update with Manager Gina Long and President Jake Armstrong on the WRAM Morning Show

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