Danielle Cox Named New Monmouth Kiwanis Club President


The Monmouth Kiwanis Club began in November of 1923 to serve the children of the world and currently has 15 to 20 members that help support several local organizations including the Warren County YMCA, Jamieson Community Center, Warren County Public Library, Camp Kidz, Rainbow Riders, Operation Christmas Child, and Kiwanis Kicks. Serving two years as Club President, Julie Shaw will turn the reins over to Danielle Cox, who recently joined the Monmouth Kiwanis Club, but already has goals in mind:

“I would like to see an even bigger turnout for the Pancake Day event. Also, I would like to try and get younger people to join Kiwanis. It is so critical and crucial for more people to start volunteering within our community. I am super grateful for who we have right now volunteering, but I would like to really connect with the younger generation and get them involved so that these organizations can continue to grow and be strong.”

The Monmouth Kiwanis Club meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at noon at the Patton Block in Downtown Monmouth.

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