The Monmouth-Roseville High School Drama Club will present their fall production, the mystery, comedy “The Curious Savage” tonight at 7 pm, tomorrow, Saturday, November 12th at 7 pm, and Sunday, November 13th at 2 pm in the M-RHS auditorium. “The Curious Savage,” written by John Patrick and director by Melissa Agar, tells the story of a widow that begins funding an acting career with her late husband’s estate and her stepchildren admit her to a private sanitarium. Senior at Monmouth-Roseville Collin Nuckles will take the stage as Hannibal:
“My character’s name is Hannibal and he is a government statistician who was replaced by an electronic calculator. He also took up the habit of playing violin, although his habit might not be that well-formed yet. He still needs a little practice.”
Hollis Narkiewicz, a Senior at M-R, will star as Jeffrey in the 1940s based production:
“I play Jeffrey Meredith, who was pianist before the war, and had a lot of promise before being shipped off. In the war, his plane was shot down and he was the only one to make it out, so he has a lot of PTSD and trauma and a little bit of survivor skilled from that fact and is not mentally prepared to play again. He is kind of a foil to Hannibal who can’t play that does and he can play but won’t. They are friends throughout the show.”
Tickets can be purchased at the door and are $7 for adults and $5 for students with their ID.