Monmouth City Council Approves Bid for Illinois EPA Mandate


The City of Monmouth has received a mandate from the Illinois EPA addressing the disinfection of wastewater, explains Mayor Rod Davies:

“In the past we have had an exemption from disinfection because of the receiving stream and the downstream contributors, so they wanted us to begin the disinfection process. All of our wastewater discharge has to be disinfected completely. We had an engineered estimate of about $2.6 million to do that project. We received two bids for that construction project and the low responsible bidder was Leander Construction. Their bid was $2.4 million and we will be starting that beginning in the spring.”

Additionally, Monmouth City Council received the resignation of 1st Ward Alderman Justin Thomas, effective immediately, in which now Mayor Davies will appoint a replacement for Council to approve.

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New Pet Store Opening in Galesburg

Pet industry leader Candace D’Agnolo, founder and CEO of Pet Boss Nation, is making a significant return to running a brick-and-mortar store with the spring opening of Dante & Dory’s: