The installation of solar arrays with school districts has become a popular topic. The West Central Board of Education has had preliminary discussions and asked Superintendent Stacey Day to provide some insight on project options. Through her research, Superintendent Day discovered Ameren Illinois can conduct a Public School Carbon Free Assessment:
“There is a push that I have learned over the last month for schools to go carbon free, and so, Ameren, as our electricity provider, is able to come in and do an assessment on our district, covering all kinds of things. The piece that really caught my eye is there is a focus on solar energy and how it might look, is it something that is worth looking at in your district. I actually just met with them, the preliminary pieces of that, and we will get all signed up in that program and have them come in. It doesn’t cost us anything. They will come check solar, they will check HVAC, building envelope, and give us recommendations on other energy efficiencies as well.”
The March West Central Board of Education meeting will be held this Wednesday, March 20th at 6 pm in the Elementary Cafeteria.