A significant storm moved through Galesburg on July 15, 2024, which brought down multiple tree limbs and power lines. City staff are working to clear all limbs and storm debris from the public roadways and right-of-ways. In instances in which power lines are involved, city staff are unable to clear the debris until after Ameren has addressed the power lines and provided clearance for city staff. As the storm affected a large portion of Ameren’s territory, this process may take time as crews work overtime to complete the needed clean-up and repairs. The closed roadways can be viewed on the road closure map on the city’s website, which will be updated as roadways are cleared and re-opened.
Residents can drop off storm debris at the oversized brush and limb drop-off, located at 636 Pickard Road. The drop-off site will be open for extended hours for the next two weeks, operating from Wednesday through Sunday each week (July 17 – 21 and July 24 – 28), with hours from 7:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday and Thursday, and 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. on Friday – Sunday. Additional information on the oversized brush and limb drop-off site can be found on the city’s website.
City crews will be out in full force to address the first round of storm clean-up necessary to clear roadways and address the most severe storm damage. After the first wave of crucial clean-up is complete, the city will further assess the extent of the storm damage, and provide additional information regarding any further remediation, or storm clean-up assistance.
Storm clean-up resources and answers to frequently asked questions:
- The City will clear all trees and limbs from public property, such as the street, terrace/right of way, and public parks.
- The City will clear all downed city-owned trees (those planted on city property, including the right-of-way), regardless of where they fall, including if they fall on privately owned property.
- Residents are responsible for clearing downed trees or limbs from their own privately owned trees, except for the portions that may have fallen on the roadway or right of way, as city forces will clear all debris from the roadway and right of way.
- Smaller sections of limbs and branches may be placed at the curb for the standard yard waste pick-up. The guidelines for this process are noted in the bullets below, and more details can be found on the yard waste page of the city’s website.
- Yard waste may be bundled in lengths no more than 5 feet and less than 50 pounds in weight.
- Tie for the bundles must be degradable.
- No single piece of brush may be greater than 5 inches in diameter.
- For any issues involving power lines or power outages, residents should contact Ameren. The Ameren power outage map can be found at: https://www.ameren.com/illinois/outage-center/main.
- The Galesburg road closure map can be found at: https://arcg.is/TCzq0
City forces will continue to work as quickly as possible to ensure debris is cleared and roads are opened expeditiously. If supplemental storm clean-up is necessitated, additional information will be provided by the city. For more information, or questions not addressed in the bullets above, please contact the Public Works Department at 309-345-3623.
***Courtesy of the City of Galesburg***