Illinois’ Winter Weather Rule in Effect

Photo Courtesy of Prairie Communications


The Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) is reminding consumers that Illinois’ winter  weather rule will take effect from December 1 – March 31. The winter weather rule prohibits utilities from disconnecting eligible customers who use electric or gas as their primary source of home heating.

“Frigid winters are a given in Illinois. The state’s winter weather rule offers peace-of-mind for individuals and families who might otherwise be struggling to stay warm during the coldest months of the year,” said ICC Chairman Doug Scott.

To protect Illinoisans during dangerous cold, Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP) participants; electric space heating customers; and military personnel and veterans cannot be disconnected if they fall behind on their utility bills. The rule excludes disconnections related to theft, tampering, or safety.

The cold weather rule also protects residential customers from disconnections when temperatures are forecasted to be at or below 32 F, and on days preceding holidays and weekends when the forecast is expected to drop to freezing.

To protect against disconnection, customers with past due balances should contact their utility to enroll in a Deferred Payment Agreement (DPA). If your electric or gas service has already been disconnected, contact your utility directly to see if you qualify for reconnection at less than the full amount owed.

Other residential customers or master-metered apartment buildings who used gas or electricity as the primary source of space heating equipment during the previous winter cannot be disconnected for non- payment unless: the utility has offered the customer a DPA with a maximum down payment of 10 percent; provided the customer with contact information for public and private aid agencies; the customer refused to enter a DPA; and all disconnection notices provisions have been met.

Households struggling to pay their utility bills are encouraged to apply for LIHEAP annually with the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.

Ameren, Nicor, North Shore, and Peoples Gas natural gas customers who qualify for LIHEAP or whose incomes are at or below 300 percent of the federal poverty line are eligible for a monthly discount on their gas bills through the state’s new low-income discount rates.


Enrollment in the programs mentioned above is free of charge, and customers can access LIHEAP benefits regardless of immigration status.

Contact the ICC’s Consumer Services Division at 1-800-524-0795 for further guidance or to file a complaint against your utility.

About the Illinois Commerce Commission

The Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) is a quasi-judicial body made up of five Commissioners. Through its Public Utility Program, the Commission oversees the provision of adequate, reliable, efficient, and safe utility services at the least possible cost to Illinois citizens served by electric, natural gas, telecommunications, water, and sewer public utility companies. Through its Transportation Regulatory Program, the Commission oversees public safety and consumer protection programs with regard to intrastate commercial motor carriers of general freight, household goods movers, relocation towers, safety towers, personal property warehouses, and repossession agencies. The Commission’s Rail Safety Program also inspects and regulates the general safety of railroad tracks, facilities, and equipment in the state.

To learn more about the Commission, its offices, and bureaus, click here. If you are a consumer who needs help resolving a utility dispute call 800-524-0795 or file an online complaint here. For a complaint related to transportation, call 217-782-6448.

Follow the Illinois Commerce Commission on social media @ILCommerceComm.

***Courtesy of the Illinois Commerce Commission***

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