Rep. Swanson to Chair Illinois House Veterans Affairs Committee

Courtesy of Prairie Communications


State Representative Dan Swanson (R-Alpha) will be the chairperson of the Illinois House Veterans Affairs Committee in the 104th General Assembly.

“Supporting our veterans is a non-partisan issue,” Swanson said. “It is an honor to lead this committee in the new General Assembly. I am appreciative to Speaker Welch, the Republicans and Democrats who serve on the committee, and all those who have made improving services and public policy for our veterans a priority. I look forward to getting to work in this spring session.”

Though committee chairs traditionally go to members of the majority party, the Veterans’ Affairs committee has been an exception in the past, with a Republican chairing the committee from 1999 until 2013. Swanson’s predecessor, Rep. Don Moffitt, chaired the House Fire Protection Committee from 2007 until 2011.

Swanson has been a member of the Veterans Affairs Committee since he first took office in 2017, rising to become the Republican Spokesperson on the panel in 2021.

He enlisted in the Illinois Army National Guard in 1977 and served on active duty before attending Officer Candidate School at the Illinois Military Academy and being commissioned a Second Lieutenant in 1986. He retired in 2001 after 20 years on active duty and more than three years with the National Guard.

Swanson volunteered and was recalled to active duty in 2007 to serve with the Multi-National Security Transition Command – Iraq; Coalition Army Advisory Training Team, Baghdad, Iraq. He was assigned as Deputy Director, Iraqi Army Force Generation. He coordinated and synchronized the recruiting, training, equipping and basing of Iraqi Army units with Coalition and Iraqi Leadership. He completed his tour and returned to retirement in 2008 after earning the Bronze Star and Combat Action Badge. Swanson once again returned to active duty in 2010 to serve with the Army Sustainment Command, Rock Island Arsenal and was assigned as Chief, Logistics Synchronization and Integration Cell for the Lead Materiel Integrator Mission. He led a team of soldiers and civilians, which transitioned the mission to equip the Army from the Pentagon to Army Sustainment Command at cost savings and jobs.

Since retiring from the Army in 2013 Swanson has served as superintendent of the Henry County Veterans Assistance Commission, which provides financial aid and transportation services to the Iowa City Veterans Hospital for Henry County veterans, and also provides financial assistance to veterans to pay utilities, rent, and to purchase food.

71st District residents can find more news about the General Assembly and information about upcoming events on Rep. Swanson’s legislative website at

***Courtesy of the Office of Representative Swanson***

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