At the March 17th Monmouth City Council meeting, City Administrator Lew Steinbrecher presented an overview presentation for next year’s budget, which will begin May 1, 2025 and run through April 30, 2026. Steinbrecher breaks down the over $43 million budget for the City of Monmouth:
“It is a $43,343,590 budget. The two predominant funds within the budget are the General Fund, which include the major departments from the street to the police and fire and then the other large fund is our Water and Sewer Fund. I would mention that we do have a significant increase in our state local motor fuel tax fund. It will be $4.88 million next year and $4.4 million of that is for the reconstruction of West Harlem Avenue from North Main Street to the bypass. Then the other notable funds are the TIF Districts. We have a total of $3.8 million being budgeted for next year and the majority of the funding is to complete the reconstruction of the Public Square Streetscape Project. That is a $3.7 million project. Within the General Fund, we have three major departments being the police department, fire department, and municipal operations. This is primarily the street department, but it does also include the small number of staff people we have at City Hall.”
The next step for the Fiscal Year 2025-2026 City of Monmouth Budget will be a Public Hearing before the City Council meeting on April 7th, followed by the formal adoption of the budget during the regularly scheduled Monmouth City Council meeting.