On Saturday September 29th, at Lake Storey in Galesburg, the Alzheimer’s Association will be hosting a fundraiser walk to raise awareness about the ailment. If you have never been a part of this event, Kelsey Moore, Special Events Manager with the Alzheimer’s Association, explains what it is all about:
“The walk to end Alzheimer’s is the largest fundraising event for Alzheimer’s care support and research in the country. We definitely have walks across Illinois. So what it is we try to get teams and recruitment for fundraising to raise those funds for Alzheimer’s care support and research. Then what we do is we have a walk between two and a half to five miles. We just have a walk where everyone comes out. Its families, its kids, and health facilities. And things like that, who work with Alzheimer’s patients. A wide variety of people that come out. We have opening ceremonies and everyone gets to know each other and see you are not alone in this fight,” Moore states.
Registration for the walk will begin at 8 am on the 29th, with opening ceremonies at 9:30 and the walk starting at 10 am.
For more information, log onto act.alz.org.
written by Kelsey Crain