CASA, the Court Appointed Special Advocate program, is an organization that serves Knox, Warren, Henderson, and McDonough counties in speaking for and supporting the best interests of children in the foster care system.
CASA is currently recruiting new volunteers for their Special Advocate program, and is hosting a training course in October. New advocates would be assigned to foster children and siblings in the area in order to be a consistent adult figure in their lives, and to investigate their situations at school or at home, in order to get a clear view of their life to report back to the court.
Volunteers must be over 21 years of age, with an interest in helping children in need.
Sara Robison, Executive Director of CASA, stressed the importance of volunteers within the organizaiton…
“The need for volunteers never really goes away as kids enter the foster care system. If you’re not able to volunteer now, keep us in mind, like I said the need really doesn’t disappear. We do try to train new volunteers on a quarterly basis, so we will be offering those four times a year, minimally. But yes, any interest in our program, give me a call.”
For more information on becoming a volunteer advocate, visit CASA’s website, or call their office at 309-343-4299.