September is a busy month for the Warren-Henderson Farm Bureau when it comes to education.
The Warren-Henderson Farm Bureau will be hosting a variety of educational events in the month of September as part of their ‘Ag in the Classroom’ program. These events include agricultural education events for local schools as well as a variety of fundraisers.
The Farm Bureau is hosting ‘4th Grade Ag Day’ for all local 4th graders on Friday September 6th. Students will learn about a wide variety of topics at different stations including topics such as soil and fertilizer.
‘Progressive Agriculture Day’, at the Henderson County Fairgrounds, will be held for local 5th graders. The event will be held later in September, and is centered around general farm safety and precaution.
Anna Damos, Agricultural Education Coordinator at the Warren-Henderson Farm Bureau, explained what ‘Progressive Agriculture’ day is about…
“In September, we’ll have our farm safety or “Progressive Ag” day, which will be at the Henderson County Fairgrounds, and that is for all fifth graders. And it’s not just farm safety, it’s all prevalent safety topics for kids, and I always learn something new.”
For more information on the events, visit the Warren-Henderson Farm Bureau’s website, or tune in to our podcast at RADIOMONMOUTH.COM.