26 teams were a part of the 2nd Annual Tom Parrish Memorial Golf Outing, which was held at Gibson Woods in August. Organizer Marcia Parrish shares this years’ proceeds will directly support Parkinson’s research with the Michael J. Fox Foundation:
“We had a member of the Michael J. Team Fox that came down and spent the day with us and it looks like we will send a check of about $27,000 this year to the Michael J. Fox Foundation, which is $5,000 more than we did last year. It just amazes me of our businesses and the people of our community, they just come through.”
Locally, the Parkinson’s Support Group meets on the second Monday of each month, a Caregiver’s Group meets on the second Wednesday of each month, and Rock Steady Boxing meets Tuesdays and Thursdays all at the Warren County YMCA.